Sunday, July 8, 2018

Painting a picture of how it CAN look.

Hi Everyone – and welcome to another week,

Another winter week is D-O-N-E.  And it has continued to be cold and wet and generally wintery!  I have to admit, given a choice between summer and winter I would have said WINTER 100 times out of 100 – I don’t do ‘HOT’ very well – but some of the morning temperatures over the past week or so have been pushing it even for me.  As you might have noticed, I am still blogging out on this little ‘blogspot’ platform instead of directly on the website…I am hoping to get everything ‘back to normal’ soon but in the interim, this is where the blog will live.

I am going to try and write today about our new member on-boarding process that we are calling the "Round 1 Health Check" – you can see what it is from the web link HERE.  Now I don’t want this to read as a really ‘l-o-n-g’ advertorial and hopefully I don’t…I am pretty excited about the new process we have developed though and really think it is the best way to bring new people into Round 1 in a way that sets them up for success…so if my excitement starts sounding like a sales pitch, this is my ‘in advance apology’.

In order to try and tell you about what we are doing, I need to talk about what happened to me way, way, way back when I was a teenager.
Once upon a time, there was a gym in Perth called ‘Laurie Potters’.  (If you don’t believe me, here’s a TV ad for them that I really, really, really encourage you to watch…here I present for your amusement, the 1980’s: As you may have guessed from watching that tv advert, this was back in a place called the 1980’s when I was at high school and working a part-time job stacking supermarket shelves at Coles.  And even though saving money wasn’t something I was very good at, I still managed to save enough money to (in theory) buy a LIFE TIME gym membership.  You read right – they were selling gym memberships that would last FOREVER for (I think) $499.
So I road my bike over to the gym (it was in Melville where the bowling place is these days – I lived in Kardinya) for a tour around the place with the salesman and to ‘sign up’ after school one day.

Anyway, as things would have it he was ‘busy’ seeing other people (I had an appointment but you have to remember, this was the 1980’s and things like times were a bit more fluid than they are today!) so I was told to just go in and ‘have a go’…and so I nervously wandered into the rows of treadmills and what I’m sure would have been Nautilus machines filled with people who seemed to know how to use them.  After a half-hour or so of doing ‘something close to nothing’ (there’s another 1980’s reference for you!), I got on my bike and road back home.

Now – luckily for me as it turned out – when the salesman called me during the week so that I could make another appointment (or preferably just sign-up over the phone) I was kind of ‘over it’ and the reason was simple.  I had a massive history assignment due that I was certain was going to take FOREVER to finish and couldn’t see how I could do THAT and ride my bike to Melville AND do a workout and ride home.  Not with footy training as well.  So I didn’t sign up and I didn’t pay them any money which meant that when they went bankrupt (with $500 lifetime memberships who could’ve seen that coming?? J ) and closed the doors the very next week, well, I didn’t lose $500.

Anyway, when putting together the new website I have spent a lot of time thinking about the way we introduce new people to our gym AND that has had me me thinking about my first gym experience A LOT.  Because whilst the salesman being busy was ultimately the reason I didn’t sign up and join, the REAL reason was that my experience didn’t paint me a picture of what I needed to do in order to be successful.  Basically, when I left the gym I had no plan in place when I was going to go, how I was going to get there and how I was going to fit it all in when life ‘got crazy’.  And the same has been true of our ‘7-day pass’ process…we get people in, we teach them some fundamentals, we run them through a session but – when you really think about it – we don’t outline for them a way they might be able to successfully achieve the things they want to by coming to the gym.  We get them in, hope they have fun and just assume that they will figure all of the rest of it out for themselves.

Now I’m guessing that a lot of the people reading this DON’T need help finding time to come to the gym – those people value their time in the gym and no matter how busy they get, the MAKE time to get there.  Exercise is a priority in their lives and they might miss a day here and there but it wouldn’t ever be more than two or three…but until those habits have taken hold, you need a plan…and more than that, you need a plan to follow when the first plan fails!

This is where our new ‘Health Check’ process is a LOT different to the old ‘come and have a try’ system – and the ‘Health Check’ process is honestly something that I would love to do with ALL of our members to make sure EVERYONE is set up for success.  I have been getting a bit of blow-back from people because it “isn’t free” but saying what it ISN’T doesn’t really cover off on what it IS.  So this is what it is!

The “Health Check” process starts with a BODY SCAN and whilst the trainer is reviewing that, we ask the client to fill out a questionnaire that covers off a few simple life-style elements – typical daily eating diary, things they are HOPING to achieve and those things that are preventing them from doing so (work, kids, stress etc).  And then taking all of those things into account, spend a bit of time working out a PLAN that is realistic, addresses any ‘imperatives’ shown up by the Body Scan and will get them where they want to go.  What else?  Well, we have put together of our favorite recipes from our various gym challenges over the past few years and put them in a little booklet with some information on HOW MUCH they should be eating.  AND we have included a number of EXTRA workouts which they can do on days when they can’t get to the gym when a class is running – or if they have a ‘special’ body part they want to give a little extra TLC.  AND we have included a voucher for a 2nd Body Scan that they can access for free one month post their first scan.  AND we give them a free pair of hand wraps so they can participate in boxing classes…

Speaking of Boxing classes, once the conversation + Body Scan review and all that kind of ‘sweat free’ stuff is done, we take them out to the gym and get them into a group training session…after all, getting them active is clearly going to be a part of the plan and there is really no reason not to get started asap!

The ‘Health Check’ is what the mid-teens version of me needed way (way) back in the 1980’s to help me understand how I could work my gym time in with my study time, how the strength training I would be doing would HELP my footy (I admit to struggling to understand how people drop out of the gym during footy season…that’s when you need it more than EVER!), how a little bit of focus on my diet would really assist in getting the outcome I wanted.  Unfortunately there were no such things as Body Scans back then because the information on one of those would have really helped me focus on the things that were achievable and track my progress towards them.

If you are a Round 1 member and you want to try one of our new ‘Health Checks’, well, you can book in here:  More to the point though, if you know someone who is battling to get on track with their training or is thinking about making a lifestyle change, let them know about the new service and how it works and (hopefully) we can help them get the results they are after.

Let me know if any of this sounds good (or not) with an email to 

See you in the gym,

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