Sunday, July 29, 2018

The end of SPARTA#1, Rolling Thunder and Other STUFF

Hey - Happy weekend team.  And Happy Birthday to Round 1 co-owner (well, since she brings in all the money that allows me to 'work' at the gym, as well as doing everything around the house whilst I sit on my lazy butt claiming to be 'tired') Vanessa.  And whilst yet again I 'remembered' her birthday, what I failed to remember was to actually arrange anything to signify it - though on a somewhat positive note my football team played in Leederville last night (her birthday) so at least I didn't have to try too hard to organise a last minute dinner venue!  And 'Not Trying Too Hard' seems to be something I am really good at! :-)

As always, a million thanks from me to everyone who found time in their busy schedule to come and train with us last week.  I never cease to be amazed/impressed by how dedicated everyone is - freezing cold - and pouring rain - and the place keeps filling up with people working hard to get 'better'...there have been some tough sessions of late as well which have left even me asking the "Why do I have to train so hard?" question (and I write the stupid training plans)...yet still people keep turning up and getting it done!

I just wanted to have a little word about our 'Rolling Thunder' trial - our 'continuous' boxing circuit that is running from 6am until 8am then again from 5pm until 7pm each Thursday.  I am trying to keep the circuit 'SIMPLE' to minimise any confusion - and last week, we put together a video that we posted on Facebook on Wednesday + played it on one of the tv's in the stretching area throughout the day on Thursday...but the session still seems to be causing some confusion.  So here goes:

  1. It is a circuit that doesn't END.  You are finished when you are finished.
  2. When you get to the gym, just do your warm-up and see the trainers...if you are concerned about any of the exercises, check the video on social media or on the tv's before getting started.
  3. It is a circuit that doesn't END.  You are finished when you are finished.  If I already said this it is because it is this point that seems to be confusing people the most!
I also wanted to have a quick word about our revised Body Work sessions.  We have gone away from Body Work as (effectively) a structured sports conditioning class (heavy lift + cardio + hypertrophy based finisher) and re-imagined the session as a strength endurance class featuring light to medium weights, body weight activities and short duration/high intensity cardio efforts.  In a way I guess, you could say that the Body Work classes now look an awful lot like our amazing 'SPARTAN' programming (refer to the next section) but without quite the same level of physical intensity.  For anyone out there 'scared' of Body Work because you are confused by any of the exercises, by the idea of changing weights, by anything really, I would really encourage you to 'have a go'.  In some ways, these sessions are more suitable for new people than Boxing because the 'time stress' of the bell is not work through the white board at your own pace for 45-minutes...

A little bit of news this week - the first block of SPARTAN training we have ever tried came to an end - 4x weeks and 12x sessions later.  The programming - as I have mentioned - has been all about so-called "GIANT" sets (high repetitions of each exercise programmed...high like 50!), high intensity and (relatively) short duration.  Overall, I was pretty happy with the way it all went and SUPER happy with the effort everyone put in...the workouts were some of the toughest I have ever put together (doing the 'test run' for the program was not a great time in my life) but happily the results have been pretty good.


  • We had a couple of participants record FAT loss (not weight loss, but FAT loss) of 4kg+.  Which is amazing.
  • Overall, we achieved positive muscle growth across all participants.
  • 2x people recorded small Body Fat percentage increases during the program.
The below picture (hopefully) gives you a bit more of a summary of what was achieved:

So - when you look at the numbers the quick and easy response is that everyone has done AMAZING.  And they certainly were amazing in terms of the effort they put in...but I always battle with this element of what we do because what I want to see is EVERYONE who works hard rewarded for their efforts.  And the SPARTAN crew put in an amazing effort.  So when I see a couple of people have lost muscle and had minimal body composition change, well, it I just get disappointed for them.

I did a bit of a mini-blog on this subject a couple of weeks ago and it probably seems a bit weird that I am writing about the same thing twice in a couple of weeks.  But like I said, I just want everyone to get great results from their training and am hoping to help a couple of people out there with this post!

Remember, when you work super hard AND try to really focus on 'Healthy Eating', that can sometimes mean not eating enough...which compromises muscle...which leads to an increase in Body Fat % ('cos if you have less muscle but the same amount of fat then your body fat % has INCREASED!).  Getting it right can be TRICKY.  And sometimes by doing the 'right' thing with your food, you eat LESS because you aren't exactly prepared or, more likely, aren't exactly sure what to eat - so in actual fact your focus on healthy eating is actually compromising your what are you supposed to do?  

First off, the eating plans we give out with the challenges - and we gave one out with SPARTAN - are generally pretty great.  And sticking to them give you a pretty good shot at success.  But because we are all different - with different activity levels, different stress levels, different sleep patterns - results wont be the same.  What you have to do is really (REALLY) listen to your body.  And - to completely contradict myself, you also need to IGNORE your body.  I'll try to explain.

Most people are energised after a workout - energised and feeling good.  Endorphins are surging, you feel positive about your efforts and ready to take on the day.  I find the hour or so after training is when I think the most clearly, particularly with regards any tasks that require me to think sequentially such as project planning.  BUT.  Within a couple of hours, I really do hit a bit of a wall and I can't maintain the same level of acuity...and more than that, I can't get it back!

The only way to pro-long the period of 'enhanced productivity' that your workouts give you is to FUEL UP - and I mean straight away after your session.  If you are 'tired of feeling tired', then you need to exercise and eat well every day (wash, rinse, repeat).  As per the notes in my little mini-blog, throw a shaker with some protein into your gym bag and down it straight away...then still eat your next meal 'AS NORMAL' (whether that meal was going to be breakfast, lunch or dinner is kind of irrelevant).  Straight after your work-out, you might not exactly FEEL like it - you might say "I just can't eat after training"...but if you don't, when the crash comes (and it might be coming in a couple of hours or - more likely for morning trainers, just after lunch) there will be NOTHING you can do to turn it back around.

Anyway - since I banged on about all of this only a couple of weeks ago I am going to leave it there. 

See you all in the gym - we are going to try and use the power ropes this week for the first time in forever so hopefully everyone is looking forward to that...setting them up is going to take a fair bit of messing around (unfortunately the 'fibres' that come off the ropes mess with the treadmills!) but I am sure we can make it work!


Saturday, July 21, 2018

So...Am I TRAINING yet???

Hey Everyone - Welcome to another week and another weekly blog.  I tried something a bit different last week with 3x blog posts in 4-days just because my head seemed to be exploding with 'STUFF' that I wanted to talk about.  I am not sure whether you guys saw it as a good thing, a bad thing or "couldn't care less" but I would really like a bit of feedback if you feel up to sharing...basically I want to know whether you are happy for me to just write and publish when I feel like it (I will always write on Sunday), or if it is just 'too much' and stick to Sunday and Sunday only?
There is a bit of news from last week's sessions with the 'Rolling Thunder' class happening on Thursday and giving everyone the flexibility to START and FINISH when they like (between 6am and 8am and again between 5pm and 7pm).  Personally I think it was very successful but just so you guys understand what my concerns about the concept are:
  1. Giving people the chance to come and go as they please is AWESOME in terms of flexibility...but it also gives people the chance to 'cut-out' before they are really 'DONE'.  I set the class up with back-back-back cardio sessions on purpose and that seemed to correspond with each persons exit point.  ONE lap of the gym was set to be 30-minutes whereas a 'normal' class would be at least 40-mins...
  2. Trainer involvement is challenging.  People come in and get started without seeing demos etc because there is no set class start we integrated the 'extra' challenge stations (body weight, abs, core) in an attempt to try and make the sessions as trainer focussed as possible.  But there is a line there somewhere between 'I am being pushed and challenged' and "Again with the burpees/bridge/etc? - f-this, I'm out".  We need to manage this and not allow the workout to become entirely client driven.
  3. No demos make it hard to get people through the circuit with complete certainty that what they are doing is what is right...and we want everyone to be doing the prescribed exercises with both competence and confidence...and yes, a trainer is there to help BUT if they are off getting new-starters (after all, there are no late-comers!) going, well, things can be missed.
Pic#1:  My impression of 'Rolling Thunder'!  :-)

So we will be trying a couple of new things in this weeks session to try and make the experience BETTER for everyone a first off effort I think it was a great success and am confident we can make it even better moving forward!

So - all of that out of the way, on to the topic of the week:  Are you TRAINING yet???  This little topic has come about through watching all of the results that are coming in during our current 'Down with July' process...for anyone who isn't aware, 'DOWN WITH JULY' is our simplest ever challenge and (for me at least) has been the greatest invention ever because it has enabled me to maintain my weight loss/body composition changes achieved during the June 'The Pledge' challenge...we weigh-in each week - if our weight drops, ALL GOOD.  If it goes up, well, there is a self imposed penalty of 100calories/200 calories/400 calories or 800 calories) to complete.  And for me, the idea I might have to do 800 calories on the bike is a pretty big disincentive for eating 'bad things'!

Anyway, of the 40-or so people participating, the results look like this:

Week 1:  1 person penalised
Week 2:  6 people penalised
Week 3:  11 people penalised

So the thing I want to say now those numbers are on the table is that I have some bad news for everyone - training at Round 1 3-4 times each week isn't all that hard.

Which is cause is a bit of an inside joke - our sessions are really tough and there are some days in the gym where even I just ask myself the 'Why do we have to TRAIN so HARD?' question...and I WRITE the session plans.  The problem of course is that our sessions aren't hard ENOUGH to allow you to eat and drink whatever you want the rest of the time...or even from Friday night until Monday morning!  The answer is, if you are REALLY training, well, that means you are looking after your food intake.

I like to think we make life incredibly easy for everyone at our gym.  All you have to do is turn up and we will tell you what to do - and in the 45 minutes or so you are with us you will get an awesome full-body workout that offers awesome bang for your buck.  A trainer will lead you through the session with a group of 'like-minded' people...this basically guarantees a better workout than you could achieve by yourself.  I would go so far as to say that all you have to do is 'SHOW UP' at the gym and we will take care of the rest...further, we bombard you with blog posts like this, videos on social media, you name it - we get in your face reminding you to get your butt to the gym!

Like I say, once you are 'with us', getting your 'exercise' becomes the EASY bit.
And whilst I would like to think we do a great job, neither myself, our coaches or your training buddies can be with you 24x7.  That person in the 4pm session who you always measure yourself against (we all do it!) wont be sitting on the couch next to you after dinner tonight reminding you that OPENING that block of chocolate is a really bad idea...

So somehow, we need to figure out how to HELP you more with your food and eating decisions...because if we were doing it well enough, well, we wouldn't be seeing the scales going up for our 'Down with July' participants.  And my obvious concern is if the scales are going up for people DOING the challenge, well, what the hell is happening for those people who aren't?  I mean, as part of 'Down with July' we provided eating plans and menus and advice and assistance...but people still aren't getting what they want.  Which brings me back to the title of this post - even if you are training in the gym every single day, if you dont have control of your food then you aren't really training and you aren't going to get the success that all your efforts in the gym deserve!
So somehow we need to create a program that truly integrates exercise AND nutrition and get you the outcomes all your efforts in the gym deserve...and we are going to do it.  Our next schedule challenge is SUMMER SLAM in October and that is going to be NEXT LEVEL in terms of nutrition advice, management and setting you up for success...
Getting in the gym and training? It seems that is the EASY part - getting quantities right and off the extra sugar and carbs? Not quite so easy.  But we are going to figure out a way to get you the assistance and help you need!  Stay tuned!

Saturday, July 14, 2018

We are trying some new stuff!

Hey Team,

Cheers to everyone who got along to the gym last week - and a huge double thanks to everyone who found time to read the approximately 300 blog posts I published last week.  I have to admit, when I was up at 3:45am Thursday writing a post about post-workout nutrition based on my observations of the Spartan crew on Wednesday, even I was starting to question my sanity!  My dogs (my dogs - ha - they are Vanessa's dogs!) were very happy though as it meant that they could jump up off their bed and into bed with her even earlier than usual!

If you missed any of the blogs and want to find them, well, there are located at this little temporary blog location: I am hoping that NEXT WEEK we will be back to normal, publishing the blog on the website (which is where it should be) BUT, well, the way things have been going...

There is a little bit of stuff going on in the gym at the moment - I have already spoken about our revised Body Work methodology which has already been implemented AND hinted about our new plan for Thursday boxing which we will trial for FOUR (4) weeks starting this week...

So here is what we are going to do:

1/.  Put together a class plan that is 'relatively' straight forward.  

Now this is intended to mean "exercises that most everyone is familiar with" rather than an "easy" class.  Perhaps I will leave my commentary on what an easy class is for another day...suffice to say I think how hard the class is has more to do with the person DOING it rather than the person RUNNING it.

2/.  At 6am (and again at 4pm) we will press 'START' on the clock.

The idea is that as soon as you arrive at the gym, you complete your daily warm-up and 'report' to the trainer who will allocate you to a group.  You wont be 'LEFT' to your own devices - the trainers will still be there, assisting with exercises, correcting, encouraging, move you around the gym...BUT you train for as LITTLE or as LONG as you like.  The class doesn't END...

3/.  At 8am (for the morning session - it will be 7pm for the evening crew) we will press 'STOP' on the clock and the session is DONE!

This doesn't mean you have to go home of course - the gym will be open and our 'OPEN GYM' time will start (actually, at 7PM the weekly Thursday 'No Rules' conditioning session will kick off) - it just means that the instructor led Boxing for Fitness session will be done.

Why are we doing this?  And why on a Thursday?

I'll take the 2nd part first - why Thursday?  Pretty simply, Thursday is 'that day' where our attendance really fluctuates from 'amazing' to 'average' depending on the week.  So - this is an attempt to try and create a more flexible gym environment for people on a day which seems to kick around everyone's schedule 'the most'.  I mean, I know 'every' night there are extended trading hours for shops -  but we all know that this is Perth so 'every' night means some shops are open late...but EVERYTHING is open each Thursday night is often allocated as the time for shopping as well as fighting through the jigsaw puzzle of working late, freeway traffic, kids sporting commitments et al.  It also seems to be the day people 'most often' need to be in the office early...I guess because they want to be out early on Friday so need to get ahead of the game!

And why?  There isn't really a more simple reason than 'BECAUSE'.  Because I want to try it.  I actually don't think you can beat a situation where a trainer outlines the workout, steps you through it then challenges you to hit the set standards - which is what our group sessions are supposed to be.  Well, it is what our group sessions ARE.  But providing bit more flexibility for people to get in and out - maybe they only have 20 mins, maybe an hour, maybe longer?? - basically trying to give everyone a way to get 'some sort' of a workout in even on what seems to be the busiest day of the week!  Now, of course in principle you can leave early every day...but this 'ROLLING THUNDER' session hopefully gives everyone 'permission' to arrive as soon as THEY can, leave when THEY need to' and just get it done no matter how many non-gym obligations you are fighting through.

So that's the first part of the news stuff - maybe it's interesting to you, maybe not.  But things are changing every Thursday for the next few weeks (at least) with the 'Rolling Thunder' (Alex named it - blame him or, better still, email me your suggestion to '') concept!

Before I sign off, here's a 'just by the way' moment.  If anyone ever doubt the translation of some of our medicine ball movements to 'real world' development of strength and athleticism, check out this video of Ndamukong Suh - recently signed quarterback killer for the LA Rams - training just like us!

Anyway, with the exception of this one, teasing photograph which may or may not be a glimpse into the soon to come Round 1 expansion, well, that's it from me:
See you in the gym,

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Team Spartan: Post Workout Nutrition and other eating hints

This one is targeted at the SPARTAN team (currently killing themselves in the gym every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5:30am...but applies equally to a lot of other hard working gym goers.

I have been (trying) to watch the SPARTAN crew as they leave the gym and having been noticing too many of them reaching into their gym bags for a quick post-workout shake or snack.  And that's OK - there are a heap of studies out there that show it is TOTAL protein consumption during the day that matters and the concept of 'protein timing' is flawed.  But there's always a BUT.

The SPARTAN guys in particular are working super hard for a really compressed period of time - intensity is certainly UP...and for a number of the participants, they are training at a time of day that their bodies are not familiar with.  So they are going to need a little bit of a nutrition boost to enable them to recover properly, maximise the benefits of the training in terms of muscle growth AND be ready for the next workout (which is never more than a day away!).

So if you aren't a protein shake person - and that's fine because I probably cap out at 1x shake per week myself mainly because I just find 'food' more satisfying/satiating - this might be the time to make a bit of an exception.  OR, you could just pack yourself half a banana and a small tub of natural yoghurt to eat immediately after your session...that way, by the time you are home and showered, you will be ready for your 'normal' breakfast and will have already captured that little nutrition boost you need for the day (given the extra training you are doing).  If you aren't sure WHAT you should eat and are inspired by Rocky, you could always do this:  (Or just ask one of the trainers for some ideas!)

This quick post workout meal FOLLOWED by your normal breakfast when you get home will also really help avoid those afternoon 'flat spots'  - those times you are just feeling 'tired' late in the day simply because you aren't getting enough food EARLY in the day...

Anyway, I didn't want this to turn into a 'just eat breakfast' lecture (so I wont) but if you are regularly feeling tired LATE in the day then it's probably because you aren't eating enough early in the day - or aren't eating a broad enough range of foods (each meal consisting of proteins, carbs and healthy fats) then there is an easy solution - eat a good breakfast AND eat a good lunch.  

That's it.  Have a good think about packing a protein shake in your gym bag each day - particularly you guys on the SPARTAN program - and if you are feeling tired every afternoon, make some adjustments to your morning nutrition.

See you in the gym,

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Round 1 Health Check and Achievable Results

As part of putting together the new 'Health Check' process I went back through all of the stats relating to our 28-Days Later/Summer Slam challenges going back to 2015 in order to get some 'REAL' data on the things that ARE achievable for people training at Round 1.  And the result of this was the following table:

(All of the data captured and recorded on our InBody 570 Body Analyser).

As a quick review of the table will tell you - particularly if you look at the 'BIG' numbers down the bottom - some amazing things have been achieved in very small timeframes...but when you start digging a bit more and have a look at the 'AVERAGE' (and remember, those BIG numbers contribute to the averages!) the outcomes are a bit more circumspect:

  • Girls:  Average 2.4kgs weight loss/2.6% body fat change in one month.
  • Boys:  Average 3.7kgs weight loss/3.8% body fat change in one month.

AND.  You also need to consider that those 'changes' were made under 'CHALLENGE' conditions with a minimum of 3x group sessions per week PLUS a diet excluding Bread, Pasta, Alcohol and sweeteners of any kind...which to a lot of people new to a gym environment would seem to be 'pretty hard core' other words, even to make modest changes, you have to work pretty hard in the gym AND focus closely on your food consumption.

BUT.  It should tell you that if you are willing to make some changes - as long as you are prepared to accept that the changes you are making are long term lifestyle changes rather than short-term changes to achieve a short-term outcome, then you ARE going to be successful...but expect your weight loss/body composition change to be a gradual one - and highly dependent on your willingness to 'stick' to a positive eating plan every day versus good eating Monday ==> Friday followed by a Saturday/Sunday free-for-all.   Sure - enjoying a 'cheat'/'reward' meal every couple of weeks will be fine...but if losing weight is the goal, you need to walk on the 'right side' of the tracks 95% of the time!

Anyway.  That's it from me - see you in the gym,

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Painting a picture of how it CAN look.

Hi Everyone – and welcome to another week,

Another winter week is D-O-N-E.  And it has continued to be cold and wet and generally wintery!  I have to admit, given a choice between summer and winter I would have said WINTER 100 times out of 100 – I don’t do ‘HOT’ very well – but some of the morning temperatures over the past week or so have been pushing it even for me.  As you might have noticed, I am still blogging out on this little ‘blogspot’ platform instead of directly on the website…I am hoping to get everything ‘back to normal’ soon but in the interim, this is where the blog will live.

I am going to try and write today about our new member on-boarding process that we are calling the "Round 1 Health Check" – you can see what it is from the web link HERE.  Now I don’t want this to read as a really ‘l-o-n-g’ advertorial and hopefully I don’t…I am pretty excited about the new process we have developed though and really think it is the best way to bring new people into Round 1 in a way that sets them up for success…so if my excitement starts sounding like a sales pitch, this is my ‘in advance apology’.

In order to try and tell you about what we are doing, I need to talk about what happened to me way, way, way back when I was a teenager.
Once upon a time, there was a gym in Perth called ‘Laurie Potters’.  (If you don’t believe me, here’s a TV ad for them that I really, really, really encourage you to watch…here I present for your amusement, the 1980’s: As you may have guessed from watching that tv advert, this was back in a place called the 1980’s when I was at high school and working a part-time job stacking supermarket shelves at Coles.  And even though saving money wasn’t something I was very good at, I still managed to save enough money to (in theory) buy a LIFE TIME gym membership.  You read right – they were selling gym memberships that would last FOREVER for (I think) $499.
So I road my bike over to the gym (it was in Melville where the bowling place is these days – I lived in Kardinya) for a tour around the place with the salesman and to ‘sign up’ after school one day.

Anyway, as things would have it he was ‘busy’ seeing other people (I had an appointment but you have to remember, this was the 1980’s and things like times were a bit more fluid than they are today!) so I was told to just go in and ‘have a go’…and so I nervously wandered into the rows of treadmills and what I’m sure would have been Nautilus machines filled with people who seemed to know how to use them.  After a half-hour or so of doing ‘something close to nothing’ (there’s another 1980’s reference for you!), I got on my bike and road back home.

Now – luckily for me as it turned out – when the salesman called me during the week so that I could make another appointment (or preferably just sign-up over the phone) I was kind of ‘over it’ and the reason was simple.  I had a massive history assignment due that I was certain was going to take FOREVER to finish and couldn’t see how I could do THAT and ride my bike to Melville AND do a workout and ride home.  Not with footy training as well.  So I didn’t sign up and I didn’t pay them any money which meant that when they went bankrupt (with $500 lifetime memberships who could’ve seen that coming?? J ) and closed the doors the very next week, well, I didn’t lose $500.

Anyway, when putting together the new website I have spent a lot of time thinking about the way we introduce new people to our gym AND that has had me me thinking about my first gym experience A LOT.  Because whilst the salesman being busy was ultimately the reason I didn’t sign up and join, the REAL reason was that my experience didn’t paint me a picture of what I needed to do in order to be successful.  Basically, when I left the gym I had no plan in place when I was going to go, how I was going to get there and how I was going to fit it all in when life ‘got crazy’.  And the same has been true of our ‘7-day pass’ process…we get people in, we teach them some fundamentals, we run them through a session but – when you really think about it – we don’t outline for them a way they might be able to successfully achieve the things they want to by coming to the gym.  We get them in, hope they have fun and just assume that they will figure all of the rest of it out for themselves.

Now I’m guessing that a lot of the people reading this DON’T need help finding time to come to the gym – those people value their time in the gym and no matter how busy they get, the MAKE time to get there.  Exercise is a priority in their lives and they might miss a day here and there but it wouldn’t ever be more than two or three…but until those habits have taken hold, you need a plan…and more than that, you need a plan to follow when the first plan fails!

This is where our new ‘Health Check’ process is a LOT different to the old ‘come and have a try’ system – and the ‘Health Check’ process is honestly something that I would love to do with ALL of our members to make sure EVERYONE is set up for success.  I have been getting a bit of blow-back from people because it “isn’t free” but saying what it ISN’T doesn’t really cover off on what it IS.  So this is what it is!

The “Health Check” process starts with a BODY SCAN and whilst the trainer is reviewing that, we ask the client to fill out a questionnaire that covers off a few simple life-style elements – typical daily eating diary, things they are HOPING to achieve and those things that are preventing them from doing so (work, kids, stress etc).  And then taking all of those things into account, spend a bit of time working out a PLAN that is realistic, addresses any ‘imperatives’ shown up by the Body Scan and will get them where they want to go.  What else?  Well, we have put together of our favorite recipes from our various gym challenges over the past few years and put them in a little booklet with some information on HOW MUCH they should be eating.  AND we have included a number of EXTRA workouts which they can do on days when they can’t get to the gym when a class is running – or if they have a ‘special’ body part they want to give a little extra TLC.  AND we have included a voucher for a 2nd Body Scan that they can access for free one month post their first scan.  AND we give them a free pair of hand wraps so they can participate in boxing classes…

Speaking of Boxing classes, once the conversation + Body Scan review and all that kind of ‘sweat free’ stuff is done, we take them out to the gym and get them into a group training session…after all, getting them active is clearly going to be a part of the plan and there is really no reason not to get started asap!

The ‘Health Check’ is what the mid-teens version of me needed way (way) back in the 1980’s to help me understand how I could work my gym time in with my study time, how the strength training I would be doing would HELP my footy (I admit to struggling to understand how people drop out of the gym during footy season…that’s when you need it more than EVER!), how a little bit of focus on my diet would really assist in getting the outcome I wanted.  Unfortunately there were no such things as Body Scans back then because the information on one of those would have really helped me focus on the things that were achievable and track my progress towards them.

If you are a Round 1 member and you want to try one of our new ‘Health Checks’, well, you can book in here:  More to the point though, if you know someone who is battling to get on track with their training or is thinking about making a lifestyle change, let them know about the new service and how it works and (hopefully) we can help them get the results they are after.

Let me know if any of this sounds good (or not) with an email to 

See you in the gym,